PFAFF creative 1.5
You are unique! Why not express that in a way that truly reflects your personality and makes you stand out? With the PFAFF® creative™ 1.5 sewing and embroidery machine it is easy and exciting to create one of a kind designs with a stylish twist. By using all the great advantages from the machine and the Embroidery Intro PC Software you’ll see your visions come true, stitch by stitch. So, let’s go spectacular!
The Original IDT™ System
The time-tested PFAFF® Original IDT™ System guarantees the optimal feed you expect. Everything stays in place. Lightweight and silky fabrics don‘t pucker; stripes and plaids match perfectly; curved seams are easy, with very little pinning required.
Large Embroidery Area
Don’t worry about the size of the embroidery that you want to make. The creative™ 1.5 model has a large embroidery area and a creative™ MASTER HOOP that measures 240x150mm. This means that you can embroider large and unique designs in one hooping.
High Embroidery Speed
No other sewing and embroidery machine in this price range embroiders faster. With the faster embroidery speed you will complete your embroideries more quickly, maintaining the quality and precision that you expect.
Embroidery Intro PC and MAC Software included
For instant freedom of creativity, the Embroidery Intro Software is included. Use it on your PC or MAC to adjust, personalize and combine your embroidery designs. (English language only)
200mm Sewing Area
The PFAFF® creative™ 1.5 sewing and embroidery machine is the perfect choice for quilters, home decor sewers, fashion enthusiasts – anyone who creates. The sewing area to the right of the needle is ideal for sewing large amounts of fabric or batting.